Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Our Dad

I'm so glad when daddy comes home, glad as I can be!
Clap my hands and shout for joy and climb up on his knee.
Put my arms around his neck, hug him tight like this.
Pat his cheek and give him what?
A great big kiss!
This little primary song runs through my head every time Cameron has a day off of work. The kids are absolutely NUTS about him.
How lucky am I to be married to this amazing guy?! He makes me truly happy and I am so grateful for him! Not only is he one fabulous daddy, but he is able to manage a pharmacy, serve in the church, keep up with his cycling, support me in all of my craziness and still spend lots of time with us. PLUS he always mows the lawn. My hero!!


The Ingleby Family said...

What a great picture!
I LOVE IT! I am glad he makes you happy. That doesn't happen often anymore!

jodi kay said...

Aww...such a sweet picture! You have great a great family to go along with that great dad!

aubrey said...

What a sweet picture and post!

Hurray for the wonderful men in our lives! Fathers, brothers, husbands!