Wednesday, November 23, 2011

An Apology

Dear October:  I'm so sorry that I've neglected you!
Thanks for the gorgeous colors and the beautiful harvest.
Little Cottonwood Trail
Petersen Family Farm
Thanks for good friends and the 3rd annual "Spooky Lunch"
This little group of kids were some of Olivia's first friends in the neighborhood when we moved in 4 years ago - they are great and we love our little "Spooky Lunch" tradition with them

And thanks especially for 2 wonderful grandmas who throw the funnest parties, and great cousins and friends to share them with!
Grandma Carol, 2 firemen, a cowboy and Hermione the witch
Best buddy Daniella
newest little cousin Hadley (and the cutest mouse ever!)
Grandma Vickie's Halloween flashlight hunt in the backyard
Grandma Carol made the kids trick or treat bags this year
 Until next year (when we promise to pay more attention to you!)
Love, the Bensons

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