Thursday, September 2, 2010

Weed #1 and Weed #2

They are growing too, too fast!!
(Like weeds!!)
I still can't believe this one is in the second grade.
And THIS one!
The one I was counting on to remain a baby when the big one shot up like a weed and trotted off to make decisions and have adventures and overcome peer pressure, etc etc....
is now sleeping in a BIG BOY BED!
He wouldn't even do me the courtesy of being even a tiny little bit reluctant about it!
Not that I'm complaining about his tendency for eleven uninterrupted hours at night and two hours in the afternoon... but a little extra snuggling at night would have been appreciated.


Stacy said...

They are getting too big!! You know what needs to happen now that he is in a big bed? the binkie has to go! :)

Wade, Jenny, and Girls said...

I keep thinking about how it won't be long before Ellia is in a big bed too. It's crazy!! I can't believe how grown up Olivia is (and what a doll I might add). AHHHH!

The Trippy Stevensons said...

WHAT!! Eleven hours plus a nap. You have got to be kidding. My kids would never. Mine, wake up to snuggle. Sorry. I guess we should all be happy with what blessing we are given! I'll try to appreciate the snuggling a little more this week knowing that you could use some. Weed number one was just learning to give up a binki when I knew her! What a beauty!