Sunday, February 24, 2008

Discovery Gateway

Last Saturday we met our friends the Burtenshaws in downtown Salt Lake for a playday at Discovery Gateway. Olivia had a blast! It's been awhile since she's been to the kids museum first of all, and then the Sesame Street Bodyworks had an exhibit there as well that was so much fun. She also LOVED playing with Chloe and Emma (her good buddies from Arizona) again. We are so lucky they live in Utah now and we get to play with them occasionally. Thanks for the fun day Stacy!


Susan said...

You guys were so nice to invite me to come! I was bummed I wasn't able to meet up with you all - although, it turned out we decided to go there with family for Emma's birthday on that day anyway - I'm surprised I didn't run into you - we were there from like 11:30 to 2. I thought the Sesame Street thing was sooo cute!

Shelly said...

Looks way fun! Kailyn often brings up her "Arizona friends" and how she wishes she didn't move away. I read your last post about deleting your links and laughed...I did the exact same thing a couple days ago.

Stacy said...

We did have a fun time didn't we! (Susan we left about noon, sorry) We will have to get together again soon! Thanks again for coming to Chloe's party!

Trevlyn said...

Hi Emily! So glad you found me! I like your blog layout! Olivia and Caleb are precious! Keep in touch!

Phillip and Mary said...

Hey! Our blog address is! Your blog is NOT boring!